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Help Today - Buy a First Aid Kit for Ukrainian Permaculturists!

Donation links

PayPal pavlo.ardanov (et) zalf.de  Revolut +4915237359559 Bank transfer

Organizations that support the campaign


We, permaculture people, care for Nature and care for our society - by sharing our knowledge and resources we contribute to designing our sustainable future. Ukrainian permaculturists equally participate in these efforts, in particular with innovative design of garden beds, productive wetlands, and crop polycultures.

When houses are destroyed, kids raped in front of their mothers, and compatriots are being killed, People who Care defend their communities. We all joined our efforts to support and protect our innovators and activists, and together collected more than €19,100 and purchased 270 first aid kits and two medic bags. Basic stop bleeding kit costs €80 and a complete set - €130. Without this individual kit a person who lost a limb or with a cut artery can die within two minutes. We keep receiving up to 50 requests per day for such kits, therefore we reopened our crowdfunding campaign and kindly ask for your support.

We maintain a public collection of photos and invoices as our open report.

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Donation options

  • PayPal pavlo.ardanov()zalf.de
  • Revolut +4915237359559
  • Ukrainian organizational account in EUR (please write to pavlo.ardanov(et)gmail.com to help us trackling your donations

Account holder: NGO "Permaculture in Ukraine"
Account number (IBAN): UA903348510000000002600890545
Address: STR.GOLOSEEVSKIY 84/71, KYIV, Ukraine
Bank address: 4, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine
Bank code (MFO): 334851
Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
SWIFT-code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF
Purpose of payment: non-repayable financial aid

  • German account in EUR

Account holder: Pavlo Ardanov
Account number (IBAN): DE26120300001082286186
Address: Eberswalder Str. 86, 2.OG, Ap. 3.03 15374 Müncheberg, Germany
Bank: DKB

  • Ukrainian bank Card (Privatbank)

5168 7450 3104 3802 (Pavlo Ardanov)


Pavlo Ardanov, Deputy Head and Research Coordinator of the NGO "Permaculture in Ukraine"


+380969471612 (WhatsApp, Viber, Signal, Telegram)

If you represent an organization and want us to share your logo, web link and a short story on the campaign pages - please, contact Pavlo.

Link for Ukrainian permaculturists who need a first aid kit