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Intensive modular forest garden based on Warm Rozum Beds

In our challenging time, when mankind, this irrational child of the Nature, is ruining its home and actively destroying the very background of its welfare — fertile soil — it is becoming vitally important to provide schoolchildren with practical training in methods of countering these devastating processes. Soil is the planet’s skin, the system managing the living world, therefore restoring, sustaining and promoting the soil fertility is the basis for our ability to live on this planet in peace and harmony with it.

Methods of nature-friendly farming have been developed as early as at the end of the previous century by the permaculture founders, an Australian scientists Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, and active development of these methods goes on nowadays in all parts of the world, including Ukraine. A part of this experience’s development is very briefly summarized in the present Guidelines, and the authors hope that it will aid schools in acquiring and teaching methods of permaculture.

It is essential to remember the three permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares (leave 30% of the yield unharvested for the free-living creatures and give part of the surplus yield to those who need it). It is also important to follow this golden rule: use 80% of time and energy for planning, and only 20% for implementing the plans. For creating a forest garden, you need time, energy and resources, but once created, it continues living independently, almost without your efforts.

We will be grateful for your feedback for further improvement of the method and of these guidelines.

Download guidelines.

An Intensive Food Forest Module