Founded: 2019
PDC of the founder: 1994, Permaculture Institute in Tasmania
Permaculture teacher certificate: 2002
Type: education and demonstration, experimental
Character: educational institution, green office
Description: The Hlyboki Balyky Ecological Research Station is the first public ecological center of its kind in Ukraine and possibly in Eastern Europe. It serves the local Rzhyshchiv community in order to provide scientifically sound information about the state of local ecosystems and the environment, their protection, as well as the development of strategies for sustainable community development that does not harm local biodiversity.
Elements and management methods in use: mulching, windbreak, spiral beds, swales, farm animals in nature, sustainable forest, solar greenhouse, efficient heating, alternative ennergy, biogas production, use of geothermal energy, permaculture pond, rainwater harvesting, key line design, treatment of grey water, treatment of black water, ecotoilet
Solutions for functional integration of the elements: The unique decisions mainly concern the treatment of rainwater collection and eco-sanitation
Zoning and object placement according to sectors:
Accepting visitors: by appointment, accessible for people with disabilities, suitable for children, there is a possibility to make an excursion to the surroundings
Accepting volunteers: by appointment, all year long, in hotel rooms, with your own tent, food can be provided
What can volunteers learn:
Courses: biochar, nature feeling, traditional tools, rainwater harvesting, ecosanitation