Founded: 2021
PDC of the founder: 2020
Permaculture teacher certificate: 2020
Type: education and demonstration
Character: private household
Description: The Rodaria project aims to implement permaculture solutions and build a sustainable economy through the transformation of an ordinary rural garden into a permaculture training center. The main goal of the project is to restore the fertility of the land on sandy soils, increase biodiversity, create a forest garden in the field, plant a garden in a pine forest, grow organic food, conduct trainings and health practices, green tourism.
Elements and management methods in use: mulching, mixed planting, windbreak, forest garden, warm Rozum beds, mandala beds, swales, sun traps, energy crops, growing of mushrooms, agroforestry and alley cropping, hedge, sustainable forest, permaculture pond, nature basin, rainwater harvesing, grey water treatment, compost toilet
Solutions for functional integration of the elements: Raised beds that are used in winter as a composter for kitchen waste, in spring as a greenhouse for seedlings and early greens, in summer as normal and vertical beds and in autumn they are filled with leaves and other wastes from the garden.
Zoning and object placement according to sectors:
Accepting visitors: by appointment, in open days, independent visit is possible, there is a possibility of an excursion to the surrounding
Accepting volunteers: by appointment, all year long, with your own tent, accomodation in the house with hosts, accomodation in a guest house, food provided
What can volunteers learn:
- Planning the plot of land using the permaculture principles
- Combination of permaculture and landscape designs
- Creation of different types od beds
- Making biochar
- Herbal teas for plants
- Planting trees in sandy soil
- Pruning and grafting trees
- Creation of windbreaks
- Edible wild plants
- Aromatic and medicinal plants
- Processing of vegetables, fruit and mushrooms
- Reproduction of plants by cuttings and dividing, seeds harvesting
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