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Support us

We are a not-for-profit organization and work mostly on volunteer basis. All our profits go to new projects: translating books, creating courses, speaking at events to promote permaculture. Your support helps us create more projects and be more efficient. We believe that permaculture brings peace and prosperity to our country!

For transactions in UAH:

Банк отримувача: АТ "ПУМБ"
Код банку (МФО): 334851
Рахунок отримувача: UA903348510000000002600890545
Код ЄРДПОУ: 38885682
Призначення платежу (ЦЕ ВАЖЛИВО): Безповоротна фінансова допомога на cтатутну діяльність ГС "Пермакультура в Україні"

For transactions in EUR:

Account holder: NGO "Permaculture in Ukraine"
Account number (IBAN): UA903348510000000002600890545
Bank address: 4, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine
Bank code (MFO): 334851
Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
SWIFT-code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF
Purpose of payment: non-repayable financial aid

PayPal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Proposal for sponsors

Socially responsible business (e.g. organic food chain Natur Boutique) have been helping us to reach our goals from the very beginning. In our turn, we present our sponsors to our target groups:

  • Central place for you banner on the front page of our website;
  • Advertisement of your events on the front page of our web-site and on our facebook page;
  • Organizing common events;
  • Presenting sponsors information (posters, flyers, booklets, samples) at our events and at the conferences, exhibitions, festivals, events where we participate;
  • Placing your promo information in the books we publish;
  • We always try to find new ways how can we be more useful to each other!
  • Please, contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss our collaboration!